
Methodological framework of the project

This page presents the methods, protocols and tools used to obtain the information that is made available to all who visit the site and that defines the experiential qualities of 15 commercially available Chilean native woods (plus the foreign species Radiata Pine as a point of comparison).

Methods such as semantic scales, free association, self-reporting of emotions, biometrics of facial gestures and software-assisted eyetracking, among others, have been used to determine the experience that people live when interacting with real pieces of each species and try to establish their sensory, affective and interpretative perception of the material in each case.

The detailed methodological definition can be consulted in the article (with versions in English and Spanish):

Jacob-Dazarola, R. (2024). From theory to practice. A protocol for the experiential characterization of the expressive-sensory qualities of native woods of Chile. Proyecta56, an Industrial Design Journal, 4(1), 116-155.

Stage 1 (2019-2020). Definition of theoretical and experimental bases.

This stage contributes directly to the achievement of objectives 1 and 2 and focuses on establishing the definitive foundations of the research project, generating the basis for both experiments and subsequent dissemination and publications derived from the project.

  • Establishment of a definitive theoretical and methodological framework based on relevant and updated academic literature (from previous work and the existing theoretical framework).
  • Consultation with experts in the area of experiential characterization of materials to determine the aspects that define the expressive properties of the wood material, its evaluation modalities with respect to its effect on people and the methods and tools with which these are evaluated from different perspectives.
  • Consultation with national experts to determine the species, their characteristics, relevance for research, uses and applications, availability and other technical aspects.
  • Determination of the fifteen most viable native wood species for research, comparison, grouping and subsequent definition, based on the following criteria: market availability, type of wood (broadleaf/coniferous), specific use in products, physical-mechanical and organoleptic properties of the specific species to be studied. As a control species, radiata pine wood will be established as the main wood species in the national market. The criteria defined by the experts in both consultations will be considered for the final selection of the universe of species to be evaluated.
  • The pre-selection is defined in the previous project through the method of the Paired Comparative Analysis (PCA), and that will be ratified or modified in the expert consultation processes, has determined the following species:
  • Oak, Aromo, Chestnut, Coigüe, Lenga, Mañío, Larch, Raulí, Olivillo, Guaitecas Cypress, Tepa, Lingue, Laurel, Ulmo and Tineo.
  • Final selection of the methods, instruments and tools to be used in the experimental process, with the same previous method (ACP) under the following criteria: Representativeness of the different existing typologies: Representativeness of the various existing typologies, accessibility, costs, previous effectiveness, reports of use, and effective and majority use in the field of Design and product development. This process is defined at a first level, and only Open Source methods that do not require specific equipment or software are yet to be confirmed. The methods to be implemented are (1) behavioral and/or report-based methods: PrEmo (real software and simplified excel version developed by this researcher), Face-Reading, Semantic Differential (2) Physiology-based methods: EEG and Eye-tracking. Previous experience in the use of these methods in both material and product evaluation.
  • Continuous recording of research for subsequent academic and dissemination publications.
  • Elaboration of the first academic publication analyzing the state of the art of the topics addressed.

Stage 2 (2020-2021). Experimental design. Development of the experimental process and complementary research activities.

This stage contributes directly to the achievement of objectives 1 and 3 and focuses on previous preparation required for the experimental and research activities and their adequate realization.

  • Definition of the stimuli and specimens to be used in the subsequent research activities, according to the specific qualities to be determined in each process. Photography and printing of visual stimuli, preparation of physical specimens.
  • It is worth mentioning here the rigorous specific work carried out in the U-INICIA project to define the size, shape and finish of the specimens, as well as the way of presenting them to the study subjects, based on a study of previous literature, consultation with experts and empirical testing. This work has given rise to an article exclusively on the methods used to define the specimens that has recently been submitted for evaluation in the journal Materials & Design and that seeks to minimize the impact of the variability of the wood material both in its own nature and in the shapes and finishes that it presents as part of a product through the conjoint analysis method. Thus, a single sample per species is not presented to people, but a set that brings together variations in the parameters of color, grain, shape and finish, identified by the experts as the 4 most relevant. In addition, this process is supported by a set of images (3D photorealistic) of products of different morphology where each wood is shown applied (always to the same products for all species).
  • Acquisition of commercial instruments and tools required for the experimental process (EEG Emotiv Epoc scanners, PrEmo and Imotions software (technical information is attached in the annexes of the project) and the complementary material necessary for its proper use (Workstation type laptop that allows fluid field work with large amounts of data and audio and video capture, printer, camera and scanner for capturing and formatting images of the material). Preparation (design, printing) of free access instruments and tools (Excel spreadsheet Semantic Differential, graphic cards for emotional report, Excel spreadsheet PrEmo, Excel spreadsheet Paired Comparative Analysis).
  • Compilation and adaptation for the experimental design of protocols and determination of recommended populations for the application of the previously selected measurement-evaluation methods and tools. This process will take into account the specific recommendations of the developers in the case of the software to be used.
  • Again in this aspect, it is necessary to highlight the work carried out on the sample selection criteria. This has been carried out mainly through consultation with manufacturing companies, furniture stores, expert consultation and literature review, giving as main guidelines the focus on a universe of users of wood material at three levels: (1) those who select it (architects, builders, decorators and designers), (2) those who use it (carpenters and furniture makers) and (3) those who acquire it (buyers). The defined methods will be interviewed/applied to at least 500 people from at least 5 non-contiguous regions of the country who will be contacted directly in places of purchase and/or exhibition of the material or related products and also indirectly through academic networks requesting their participation, in both cases the first step will be to complete an informed consent and an inclusion-exclusion criteria questionnaire regarding the criteria of frequency and type of use of the material under study, decision-making capacity in the selection of the material, frequency of purchase, decision-making capacity in the selection of native wood products, among others. This process has proven to be viable in the development of the previous project, providing a truly relevant sample involved with the material from different perspectives, willing to give their perception, and representative of the population to which the study is focused. Criteria of effective sample representativeness will also be considered in aspects such as gender, socio-cultural level and age of the participants. External variables such as lighting, sample display system and experimental space will be minimized through the use of portable elements that maintain uniformity and neutrality during all the processes (screens, tables, lights, test tubes, etc.).
  • Milestone 2. Performance of the experimental procedures for the various established methods. These procedures will address the 5 sensory modalities of interaction in a multimodal way (Fenko, Schifferstein, & Hekkert, 2008), and will be carried out in classrooms and laboratories of the faculty initially, and later through field work by the responsible researcher and thesis students. +Permanent record of the research for subsequent academic and dissemination publications.

Stage 3 (2021-2022). Determination of the expressive-perceptual qualities and standardization of their registration. Comparative analysis of methods and tools used

This stage contributes to the achievement of objectives 1 and 2 and focuses on the post-experimental analysis of the results obtained to determine the qualities and characterize the materials studied, as well as to establish the most suitable methods and tools and their application modalities.

  • Statistical analysis of results for which will be used: Correlation-regression analysis, Student’s T and ANOVA, supported by Minitab software (statistical package with great graphic capacity), establishing the accuracy of each method in relation to the others and with respect to its use in similar processes developed in other contexts, thus validating its use in the local environment.
  • Establishment of the expressive qualities of the analyzed species, development of technical data sheets by species detailing the findings, recommendations and criteria for their application to the Design. The technical data sheet model will be based on those proposed by Michael Ashby and GRANTA Design in their software for selection of materials and processes CES Edupack that the material center MaterialBOX makes available to the research.
  • Qualitative assessment of the methods and tools, analysis of semi-structured interviews and conducted in stage 2 (support in Nvivo software) determination of the experience of the study participants in relation to the application, relevant factor to be assessed in addition to the accuracy of each method.
  • Permanent record of the research for subsequent academic and dissemination publications.

Stage 4 (2022-2023). Analysis and conclusions, Dissemination, projection for the application of the results.

This stage contributes directly to the achievement of objectives 2 and 3 and focuses on establishing conclusions, proposing future research, disseminating the project and the research conducted, and seeking ways to apply the results obtained.
The dissemination of the results of the study will be done through three strategies: Academic publications, presentations at congresses and seminars or by invitation, dissemination through networks.

  • Identification of suitable methods and search for possibilities of extrapolation in the local environment.
  • Submission of at least 3 academic publications to journals of relevant impact in the discipline of Design, plus publications developed jointly with thesis students.
  • Dissemination of results internationally and nationally (FAU Extension) with cooperation visits and trips to universities in Holland, Spain and Italy and videoconference exhibitions in Chile and Latin America (contacts in Mexico, Ecuador and Colombia).
  • Preliminary prospective study of applications and transfer. Contact with universities, public institutions and private organizations to disseminate the results in professional and academic networks in the country in search of application opportunities, through seminars and exhibitions for dissemination in the national SME context, wood entrepreneurs, designers (academic and professional fields).